GIS.XL Features
The GIS.XL add-in provides features and functions for work with spatial data
directly inside the Excel environment. Add-in includes a standard interface,
familiar from other GIS programs - Map and Legend. Combine Excel (tabular data)
and spatial (map) data in layers.
GIS interface includes Map and Legend Panel. Into the map you can
import spatial data from ESRI ShapeFiles. Using functions in the
legend context menu you can edit visual properties of individual layers from the Map Panel
Create Layer
Function Create Layer allows you to create map layer from data in Excel
table. Your data can create map layer in the form of points, lines and
various types of polygons (convex hull, Delaunay polygons, rectangles,
hexagons). In addition, selected data
can be stored in the attribute table of ShapeFile layer.
Create Layer from WKT
Another option to create map layers (from the Excel spreadsheet) is through the geometry
defined in the WKT format (points, lines or polygons geometrically defined in one cell). The WKT
format is often used. You can find it, for example, when storing spatial data in databases (e.g. SQL Server).
Update Attribute Table
This function allows you to update the attribute table of selected
ShapeFile using data from Excel table. Map layer and Excel table
can be linked via coordinates or through values in selected columns (spreadsheet <-> attribute table).
Export ShapeFile Data
This function allows you to export data from map layer and create new table in Excel spreadsheet.
You can export data from the ShapeFile attribute table and also the spatial characteristics
of individual map objects, such as coordinates of the points, the length of lines, area polygons or geometry definition in WKT and GeoJSON format.
Update Excel Table
The second function allows you to add to your Excel table an information from selected map layer. In
the following video two examples are shown. In the first example, we insert ID's of polygons (geology)
from map layer according to the point coordinates in Excel table. In the second
example, we calculate summary area of all map polygons that have the same identifier (in the
attribute table) as in the Excel table.
Spatial Analysis
You can use this feature to calculate spatial and attribute statistics for one layer of
polygons using data in another layer (points, lines, polygons). An example for this feature
may be mentioned automated area calculations of lakes in individual districts. These calculations can be
grouped. You can divide these lakes, for example, into groups of natural and artificial lakes.
In the following video, we calculate the sum of springs yields (from point layer) for
individual districts (polygons in the second layer).
Intersect Layer
If you need to crop the selected map layer according to polygon in another layer, this feature
will help you. Simple but effective function for spatial data analysis.
Create Buffer
Using this function, you can create buffer polygons around features in a selected map
layer. These buffers can be created for points, lines and polygons.
Set Color Palette
The new version of GIS.XL add-in contains many new color scales that you can use to visualize your spatial data.
Change Visual Properties
Change selected visual property for all categories in one map layer at once.
Import from GPX
Work with / visualize your spatial data from GPX files directly in Excel (trackpoints & waypoints).
Export to Google Earth
The next function allows you to export your spatial data to a KML file (Google Earth).
In this way, you can export (in vector form) individual layers or the whole map visualization
(also with data from attribute tables.
Export to GeoJSON
The second option to export your spatial data is to create a GeoJSON file and publish
it online using external tools (e.g. Leaflet.js).
Add-in GIS.XL includes a simple tool
for direct export of your spatial data into GeoJSON files.
Publish / Share Map
If you want to share your map results online or offline (outside of the add-in environment),
you can take advantage of their publication in a form of HTML documents (vector format). Simple
and fast option for automatic publishing of HTML map documents from your spatial data.