Getting Started

Published on Monday, February 22, 2016 by Milos Gregor

I'm glad to announce the launch of a new project. If you are working with spatial data, I’m sure that you've already noticed one think. Dynamically changed data are stored and transferred mostly in the form of Excel files. In many areas are Excel files de facto a standard for small data sets.

Working with spatial data within Excel is often difficult. We frequently need to preprocess them by standard functions such as formulas or filters. After the preprocessing, we need to visualize our results.

This problem I encounter in my practice (as hydrogeologist) on the daily basis. I tried several macros and add-ins, but no tool meets my requirements. Existing solutions were heavily focused to spatial visualization and visualization options were often quite limited.

My frustration peaked last year (2015), when I work on regional hydrogeological map. I decided to make my own tool that exactly fits my needs. The result of this effort is presented on this site. I created an independent add-in for working with spatial data directly inside the Excel environment. Given the colleagues and friends reaction, I decided to redesign the tool and offer it as installable add-in for everyone.

Add-in includes (in version 1.0) several basic functions. Combining them, we are now able to quickly and efficiently work with spatial data. The philosophy of this add-in will be described in the following post. Detailed description of its functionality can be found along with video demonstrations here. You can also download the add-in. In the demo version you can try all the functions in a limited extent.

If you work with spatial data in Excel, this tool can save you on monthly basis hours. If you want to stay informed about news on this project, add your email to newsletter.

GIS.XL is not my first project. Other popular tools for Hydrology and Hydrogeology can also be found at If the data processing and visualization is your daily work, interesting tool you can find at